tawg wrote in richardworld Oct 04, 2011 12:28
hung-garian, are you pulling your weight?, the whole can, ain't no party like an rw party, i moustache you..., magic hair room, sweeter than chocolate on a stick, entertain me damnit, o snap, opposable eyebrows, richard doesn't care about tacos, he's not a trickster he's a- (spoilers), fangirl olympics, teh stache, sekritly doctor sexy, richard slumber party, mega epic
tawg wrote in richardworld Sep 02, 2011 12:36
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go watch the vlogs, max is up, the whole can, richard is how own director, i moustache you..., magic hair room, cody stole his clothes, or the finger gets it, best dressed, richard doesn't care about tacos, o snap, opposable eyebrows, can't snap this, legs are distracting, why isn't this out yet?, this is going to be another addiction, rule of awesome squared, three blind saints trump one seeing one, super-handsome, teh stache, richard slumber party, mega epic, themz the rules